" A unique industrial process ensuring consistent quality and traced "

process simple luzerne ENG 21

  •  High temperature heat treatment at the time of dehydration eliminates any germ present.
  • The individual bale wrapper protects the product from further contamination.
  • The presentation of the ball in 3-5cm strands pressed at very high density ensures a lasting behavior and limits distributions.

The fabrication process do the dehydrated alfalfa, a source of fiber efficace for reduce the aggressiveness poultry farming

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essai volaille2

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picto rumiplus2   THE ANSWER OF RUMILUZ 20kg


  • Setting up small balls from the pullet stage to get them used.
  • Elevate the small ball on a cone for optimal consumption.
  • In alternance with others tools for diversificate the sources of occupation and create the novelty

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 Discover RUMILUZ 20kg