Founded in 2004, Désialis was born out of a collective approach by alfalfa  to develop sales of their French dehydrated products intended for animal nutrition.

Modern and efficient production facilities, all part of a sustainable development approach, control the technologies and processes, and allow Désialis to offer safe products that comply with standards, suited to the increasing requirements of animal nutrition.

From the agronomic pathway of the plants through to factory processing and sale of the products, each stage is defined and strictly controlled.

Storage, formulation and blending silos ensure the availability of our products, safety of supply and a perfect match between production and the needs of our customers.

Désialis has developed a strong product segmentation policy in order to be able to anticipate and meet the requirements of various animal sectors. A strategy that is consistent with our market approach: constantly adapting our products to the demands of our markets.

 Part of our sales are now exported, the result of a globalised geographical positioning of our markets that we will pursue and develop to meet these new needs.

Desialis, a responsible and sustainable commitment

thousand tons

thousand tons

of alfalfa, maize, straw, grape pulp and dehydrated blended feeds.
dehydration sites

dehydration sites

grouped in the form of agricultural cooperatives or private groups, all located in France.
Storage and formulation centers

Storage and formulation centers

optimize production and supply management, as well as blended feeds and packaging.


A shared synergy

Désialis markets the production of 20 dehydration plants, either agricultural cooperatives or industrial groups; they represent the planters, the leading players in our sector. The production sites are all in France, mostly in the North-East of the country.

Shared objectives

  • Continuous improvement of our products,
  • Optimisation of their nutritional performance,
  • And matching them to the demands of animal nutrition markets.

Shared dedication

A shared approach to sustainable development at every stage of production and sales: Energy management (ISO 50001) – control of energy consumption – use of biomass – reduction in CO2 emissions, etc.


The dehydration process requires specific know-how, since various raw materials are processed by the dehydration plants with a view to diversifying the commercial offer for Animal Nutrition. The unique drying process allows for the preservation and conservation of the nutritional qualities of the fresh plant.
Alfalfa is the crop behind the development of the dehydration plant activity, for which services range from agronomic management through to alfalfa processing. The dehydration plants also process sugar beet pulp, a by-product of French sugar production. Smaller productions are processed at dedicated sites, such as:
  • maize - maize cobs or whole-plant maize
  • straw
  • grape pulp from the pomace of Champagne and Burgundy vineyards, after removal of the alcohol and seeds and enriched with stems,
  • apple pomace

Packaging center

7 storage units dedicated to different qualities, to respond quickly to all requests, 2000 m2 of packaged product storage to:

  • Anticipate your needs
  • Minimise the lead time from order to loading
  • An optimum response time except for CAE products, which are packaged to order to maintain optimum product quality.
  • All bags are palletised and shrink wrapped.
  • A loading bay to facilitate loading of trucks. One truck loaded every 30 minutes.

Loading to silo

The qualities received (cut and plant-processed products) are very variable, so loading to silo allows them to be homogenised.


The different qualities of alfalfa received and stored in our silos are mixed to obtain batches of uniform quality.


All the batches are checked, analysed, identified and then stored in dedicated compartments.


The various homogenised batches are blended to produce our different commercial specialities. These are guaranteed by contract.

Adding the best value to the plant production of our network of producer-shareholders, by rationalising structures to improve commercial efficiency.

Désialis is a decisive contact for buyers, having a presence with most of the major French and European players in animal nutrition – whether cooperatives or private groups.

We have developed a partnership with animal nutrition professionals in order to better support farmers in the management of their livestock production.

The constant monitoring of international markets allows Désialis to continue its export development.

Growth potential is moving towards global exportation for both alfalfa and sugar beet pulp.

Markets in which Désialis is already present, but that we will continue to develop through technical and logistical collaborative work with our partners in order to provide the products best suited for specific local uses.



A third country experience that represents important opportunities.


Thus at Désialis, several “processes” follow one another and interact to guarantee quality control and traceability throughout the chain:


The farmers, who guarantee the best care in cultivation, observe the Guide to Good Practice. Only seeds from the French Official Catalogue are used and they are all free from GMOs.


Careful planning of the harvest schedule organised by the plant optimises the different growing cycles, with five cuts per year.


The process best preserves the quality of the product at its optimum level, from the field to the plant.


Uniform batches of consistent quality throughout the year are guaranteed by the standardised storage procedures. Storage under inert gas and at low temperature ensures preservation of the xanthophylls.


Each shipment is accompanied by an analysis certificate to allow precision monitoring of the quality, guaranteed by contract, of the batches received.

The experience and day-to-day practice of quality assurance gives us the know-how to manage standard procedures, from the field to the customer, and to implement corrective and preventive actions when they are needed. Our control plan therefore includes the recording of all information from delivery, going back to the individual plots of alfalfa. The implementation of specific tools ensures good product traceability.

To ensure the food safety of the animals, the production of all our products integrates the FCA system, the FCA certification confirms that our products are manufactured and delivered in compliance with the HACCP rules.
ISO 9001 is an international standard specifying that the basic requirements are reached by Desialis quality management system meets.
A large part of our product portfolio meet the particular specifications of farming systems in organic farming and are certified as such.
Désialis continues its evolution by successfully obtaining the VLOG group certification:A complete product catalogue «VLOG Geprüft» is now available for «GMO-free» products.
According to the FEI rules, we guarantee through this logo that our products for horse feed are systematically analyzed and are therefore free from the main Naturally Occuring Prohibited Substances (NOPS).

« Our quality commitment: ensuring the correct interaction and smooth running of all processes, both for the client and for the teams involved. »