
Find here a selection of referring sites to our activity, mostly in French:

Cooperatives - shareholders Désialis :

Capdéa - Dehydration plant  (10 - Aube)

Luzéal - Dehydration plant  (51 - Marne et 08 - Ardennes)

Sundéshy - Dehydration plant  (51 - Marne)

Cristal Union - Cooperative sugar group

Institutional websites - Alfalfa and sugar beet

La Coopération Agricole - Agricultural Cooperation in France

CGB - General Confederation of Sugar Beet Growers 

Coop de France Déshydratation - 

Agronomie luzernes Coop de France Déshydratation - site dédié à  l'agronomie luzerne

French Ministery of Agriculture

Ministère de l'Agriculture - French Ministery of Agriculture

Research and technical centers

ARD - Agriindustrial Research Center (cereals, beets, alfalfa


CEREOPA - Center for Studies and Research on Economics and the Organization of Animal Productions

AgroParisTech - Institute of Sciences and Industries of Life and Environment

INRA - French National Institute of Agronomic Research

ITB - French Technical Institute of Sugar beet


Adepta - International promotion of French agribusiness

Agritel - Expert company in agricultural and agro-industrial markets strategies

France Agri Mer - French National establishment of agricultural and sea products